Do Not Fashion Me as a Maiden Who Needs Saving From a Dragon

"Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon, and I volition eat you whole." ~ Unknown

I am the dragon. My wings cake out the sunday, and the estrus of my jiff turns whole cities to ash.

When I dance upon the footing, the world turns below my feet — cosmic revolutions; revelations by the firelight of my skin. When I grin, mountains tremble; they shudder to hear me express joy.

I am the dragon. I eat the sky in one gulp and wrap the universe in my tail. I drink blood and bleed lava — forests grow from the strands of my hair.

When I set up fire to those forests, I burn with them, simply when I rise, they rise with me. When I fly, the stars soar, as well — spinning reflections in my eyes — but when I weep, worlds drown in the oceans of my tears.

I am the dragon. I paint fear upon the walls of the cosmos, but so besides practise I carve magic. I will consume you in a single glance, and just as quickly mourn your loss — so tragic — and seek again some fleeting satisfaction.

And so if y'all wonder why you cannot grasp me — why the endeavor breaks your hands — I'd enquire you to reconsider, and attempt to understand:

Your entire being is smaller than a unmarried scale on my trunk; and so tell me how one and then small could promise to contain the power that forges the universe and sets whole cities aglow?

Tell me, please, if you will, what arrogance is this, that believes itself worthy to grasp fire in its fist? Are you actually and then ignorant — are you truly so lost — as to think my attention doesn't come up at a toll?

I am the dragon; exercise you lot know what that means? I carry eons in my claws and infinity in my teeth — if you pare back my scales, you lot'll find everything beneath.

Yet… yet… I demand you lot as much as y'all need me, for what is infinity without minds to grasp it? What is burn down without forests to burn? What is laughter if no mountains crumble, and what is trip the light fantastic without the world to plow?

I hold the universe within me, but then, so practice you. My soul is made of fire, only maybe yours is too.

My eyes reflect the stars; my flight is destruction. Climb upon my back, though, and see that we are built-in of the same lord's day. I may be fear, and I may be darkness, but in my deepest recesses, you'll find the stuff of your cosmos.


wp-content-uploads-2015-02-toby-israel-100x148Toby State of israel is an incorrigible vagabond. She travels in search of dragons, mermaids, adventures and searches… and cantankerous-cultural understanding. Avid dancer, yogi, cook and lover of words, she is inspired by movement and poetry, good food and new things. She studied Anthropology at Middlebury College and now seeks to clasp by as a freelance writer. She writes a column for Elephant Journal, and a travel blog, Side by side Stop World. You can too follow her journey on Twitter and Facebook.


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